Monday, October 31, 2011

Jeanie,Jamie and I met at LNC today and it was another good visit. By that I don't mean Mom was any better or Dad was great but both were ok. Dad seems to like the chatter and laughing and all of us sitting around the table together in the commons area. They brought their trays there for to feed them and both ate great. They weighed dad today and he has lost another 3 pounds. Jeanie and Jamie talked to Debbie about dad getting a dietary supplement I think so they will have to talk about that! Mom is staying the same weight. Mom stil has a cough but again not sure what Debbie said about that. Jamie listened to moms lungs to listen for crackles but she didn't hear any. She knew how to do this because of jason with all his lung problems. Dad ate 4 or 5 little candy bars cause I asked him if he wanted chocolate or tobacco after he ate and he said chocolate! Mom ate some too and seemed to love it. The showers 3x per week have been cut to 2 because of short staff I guess. Margaret down there is so awesome to mom and dad along with Adrian??? Dad still slurs lots of words but did answer some questions and seemed to know us even though I don't think he called any of us by name. All in all a good visit! Jeanie is going to try to take dad a pizza on wednesday cause we figure he would love a change and he always would chose pizza if you asked him what he wanted to eat. Hopefully that I'll go well. love to all, Judy

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Katilyn went to see Mom and Dad for us today and not a very good visit cause Dad was agitated and yelling most of the time. She said he had his tobacco but he was just yelling for Margaret and asked her where Judy was. She told him I was home but would be to see him soon. He cussed a lot too which makes me think he might have another UTI? She asked about Moms X-ray and they looked in chart and said she hadn't had one since 10/4. There should be a note on there for one tomorrow!!! I'm going to drive up later today and go see them tomorrow. Jamie you're driving over tomorrow too aren't you? Mom was about the same and didn't say anything but was in her chair ans some coughing. Oh they said mom was through with the updrafts too so not sure about that either. I'll post after my visit. Love to all, Judy

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Called to check on Mom and Dad and Donna said they were doing okay today. Dad was sitting at the station staring at her!lol. I told her to tell him that it was me on the phone and was calling to check on him. She said they had both eaten good at breakfast with dad eating 100% and mom 75%. They had eaten 50% for dad and 25% for mom at lunch but mom had taken 100% of her liquids. Mom is still coughing and Donna put a note on Monday for someone to either order the X-ray or post results. I assume she's not taking antibiotic but that's just me assuming! I'll post after Katilyn goes tomorrow. I told Donna she was coming either today or tomorrow and not sure which cause I like to keep LNC guessing when we will show!!lol Love to all, Judy

Thursday, October 27, 2011

I am thankful for the quick payments! You all are wonderful! I hate when dad has bad days. At least they're not all bad! I'll post later. Dylan is reading to me. Love you all, jeanie
Pam just called me to tell me she was just leaving LNC. Dad wasn't very oriented and pretty agitated. She talked to Donna and she told her that dad has good days and bad and this wasn't a good one. Dad kept trying to stand up and picking at invisible things in the air but then was lucid enough to call Margaret! Pam told him that mom was right there and he tried to close her mouth cause it was open. Mom still has a bad cough but Donna said she was still getting the breathing treatments. Pam paid her money to LNC today while she was there so we should be really close to that zero balance!! I'm SO excited about that!!! Love to all, Judy
Jeanie I'm sorry I wasn't much good when Dad called..I couldn't understand him, but finally just told him I'm ok and living in Murray.  Poor thing...I wish he wouldn't be so up and down in his behavior...scares me.   Glad you liked the butcher block...right size, wrong it, I'll keep looking!!:)  I've found several benches of various lengths and've got to come antiquing...and bring me my chair and I'll give you your table!!:)  I'm liking this arrangement...what else you got for trade?!!:)   Congratulations to Jeanie..she and I joined the world of iPhones yesterday!!! We even sent pictures last night!! GO US!!    Judy, I'll be thinking about you and your colon on the 4th....Aren't medical procedures fun?!!  So sorry that you're having to deal with this stuff...whenever you're feeling better, come for a visit...I have 4 can have one designated just for you!!:) Ok, I'm off to get my protective shield put on my phone and run a couple of errands before getting ready for tonights MSU event!!  Love you  Jamie   ps Pat, have fun at Molli's shower...take lots of pictures!!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Thank you all so much for responding to m's bill so fast! It's like a huge weight being lifted off my shoulders! I'm so proud of you all! That's too funny about the hats pat! Lol! I did go see m and dad today. Mom is mom--not much change. Dad was looking for Jamie and Judy today. I finally called jamie so dad could tall to her . He was tired and had been up all morning. At one point I thought he was fixing to cry--his eyes and face just looked like it. Anyway it wasn't an awful visit . Love you all, jeanie
Just letting you know that I mailed my check to LNC today.  Great job, Jeanie, and just glad to get that part done and over with.
Hey, Jeanie, everyone loved our Smurf hats. I'll be sure to take pictures at the party and let you know how we looked!  Love you, pat
Went to GI doctor and my fun tests are scheduled for Friday 11/4 at 1pm. He said he didn't expect to find much at all but since I take Indocin and it can be hard on your stomach and the fact it's been 10 years since my last EGD and colonoscopy that we should do both. I totally agree and if everything is fine, I'll live with occasionally having the big D!!! He said to not go out of town for a week afterward???? The only reason I can think of is if you had to have further tests or a surgery consult?? I'm NOT expecting any of that and besides Leisa will know the results long before a week is up!!lol FUN!!!!! NOT!!!!!! Love to all, Judy

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Hey, that's awesome that two checks are on the way! YeeHaw! You have no idea how happy I'll be to put a check by this! I talked to Ona today and she sounded good. They were on the way to the track. They (she and Randall) walk one round one day and two rounds the next. That's great! I told her that would be good for her, too. She said she's thinking about getting a power scooter to ride while Randall walks! LOL! She said he was up to like 192 or 193 pounds. He looks really good. Anyway, it was nice to talk to her. I am so sorry about your eye, Jamie, and your gut, Judy! Both you two get well---we have antiquing to do! Now THAT is exciting! LOL! The meat block on ebay was right---except for the price! I really don't want to spend that much for one. LOL! Sorry! Ok, I'm fixing to hit it. I've still got several things to wind up before heading to Ryan's on Thurs. Love you all, Jeanie    Good luck tomorrow, Judy!
Well high end of normal is better than over the limit!! I'm super psyched up for my GI appt and will post the details of my fun in the future tests!! I can hardly wait!! NOT! I didnt make a copy of my check but will know when it clears on Internet. I put POA Margaret Shelton on the check along with s note to that fact on a piece of paper attached. If they screw that up they are pretty stupid!! Lol Love to all, Judy. Jamie sorry about the blister on the eyeball cause they hurt! Been there and done that!!
My doctor's appointment went pretty good...he didn't see anything in the eyeball, but thinks I may have had something very tiny in there initially because I have a small blister on my eyeball...yuk!! The swelling has gone down some and the redness in getting better...I'm on steroid drops for a few days.  I thought I might have had pink eye, but when things were still not better this morning, I got in to see the professional...Believe me, I tried warm compresses, eyelid scrub and eye drops with no contacts or make up for 3 days first!  I hate going to the doctor!  He checked my optic nerve and pressures also while I was pressures were 19.5 in one eye and 20 in the other...that's the high end of normal! 21 is the last normal range.  About 8 years ago they were 14 and 15 so they are slowly increasing...but not much over the last 4 years.   So now I'm on the watch list...pressure checks/optic nerve checks every 6 months. On the good side, my optic nerves look young and healthy and if there's a need for game 7 in St Louis, I can wear my contacts and make up!!:) checks in the mail too!:) I made a copy of my check as well, just in case LNC says they didn't receive it or don't give Mom and Dad credit for it!! Not that I'm thinking anything bad will happen, just covering the bases...something the Cards were good at last night, they just couldn't clear the bases for runs...I'm just saying!! Ok, Jerry just got home and he's out the door at 10 for a town hall with his night shift folks so I guess I better go visit with him for a few minutes!! Love you,  Jamie
My check is in the mail!! Hallejuah!!Amen!!lol Love to all, Judy
Quick note because I'm on my way to the eye doctor....thanks for the pimento cheese recipes...making that this afternoon!!  Jeanie, thanks for EVERYTHING with Mom and Dad and MS and LNC...and medicare, medicaid, and AARP on and on...huge gold star for sure!!  I'll put my check in the mail this afternoon!! Does Ona know? Didn't know if she reads the blog...don't think I've ever seen her comment on here.  She's up to her eyeballs in stuff I know, but I agree, the sooner these checks are written the better!  Ok, sorry this is short...appointment in 20 minutes! Love you,  Jamie

Monday, October 24, 2011

I'm putting my check to LNC in the mail in the morning! I,m so glad there is an end in sight!! I called Katilyn and asked if she would drive to LNC at some time either friday,saturday or sunday and eyeball Mom and Dad and talk to the staff so they would know we were around and checking! This is the time where I wished I lived close so I could help out while you're gone Jeanie, but sending my granddaughter is about all I got this week!! Lol Good job on getting this all done for Mom and Dad Jeanie and I'm thankful today for your OCD!! Lol Love to all, Judy
Ok, hopefully, I get all this on without forgetting something! LOL!
1. Jamie, I use cheddar---in fact usually it's sharp or extra sharp cheddar, miracle whip lite, pimentos and all the juice in one jar (I usually use the chopped pimentos and then smash them some more) + sugar. That's all I use. No pickle juice here.
2. Pam, I'm not leaving until Thurs for Louisville, so I'll go on Wed to check on Mom and Dad. Pat will be out of town, too, so anything you can do between Thurs and Sun will be great. I'll go again on Mon when we get back.
3. I did go see Mom and Dad today. Mom was Mom--not really any change. Dad was not as good as last Thurs, but not as bad as he was for Pat on Sun. He looked at me when I first got there like he didn't know who I was. He didn't eat much and kept rolling away. He'd tried to stand up this morning to go to the bathroom in the big commons area and got upset when they took him to the bathroom. By the time I left, he was better. I fed him a candy bar and got him some tobacco, and he was 'chillin'' some then. I did get a call about 6:30 to say he'd fallen on his backside. He'd gone into the wrong room and tried to get into their bed and slid out onto the floor. He wasn't (or didn't appear to be) hurt. Both had been weighed today and both had stayed at the same weight as last week.
4. I talked to MS today and got Dad's bill all straightened out. He now has a $0.00 balance. They had not credited the cash I'd paid at the first of the month to his acct. Cash is deposited into a totally different acct and then they write a check for it and put it then on the resident's acct. Whatever! I asked WHEN the check would be written, and she said today. That left a $55.32 balance still owed. I'm like---nope---should be zero. Come to find out, there was a credit (I had a copy of the bill they'd sent me showing this) on the private pay side that hadn't been moved to the Medicaid said---anyway, it got moved and zeroed out Dad's acct! YEA! He went over Mom's bill with me today, and WHATEVER, again---LOL!---he came out with the same thing. It's $20,796.89! Good grief! I used just about every dollar in Mom's Trust Acct (I called and asked Faith) and their joint acct to pay on this. Bottom line is this: each of us will owe LNC $3200. That's not anywhere near what I was afraid at one point we'd owe. It still stinks, but that's just what it is. I'm taking my check to MS on Wed. You can mail yours to LNC at :
Lakeside Nursing Center
1207 Willow Run Road
P.O. Box 578
Lake City, AR 72437
Michael Smith said to note on it that it's to be paid on Margaret Shelton's acct. The sooner the better on this, so that I can file this whole thing away. It's been a long time coming, but this bill, calling AARP to cancel Dad's coverage and sending Faith 2 more documents will put a big period by this part of the process---the getting them both on Medicaid, paying their private pay bills, switching their drug coverage, cancelling their AARP's, and who knows what else! Ok, I think that's it. Love you all, Jeanie
I'm planning on going over on thurs around suppertime but that's probably all I'll be able to do. Jody is going out of town on Wed-Sat, so I'll have Peyton. Jim & Cary are going to Nashville to the Razorback game. Sunday is pastor appreciation day & we are having a noon meal, then Jim is leaving for a meeting in little rock until Wed! I'll do the best I can...Pam
Jerry and I did go see Mom and Dad Sunday.  We could hear Daddy when we were coming down the hall, so I knew it wasn't going to be a good visit and I was right.  Dad did not know us and he was agitated.  He kept trying to get up and kept going to the outside door and trying to open it.  I didn't understand anything he said.  Mother was the same as always - pitiful.  Anyway, not a good visit.  I asked Debbie how he had been and she said fine until he woke up from his nap.  His sugar was 131 which was good. 
Sorry I haven't written for a while, but know that I always read the blog every day.  We will be leaving Thurs. morning early for my state conference meetings in Little Rock and then on to Molli's about noon Friday.  Her shower is Sunday afternoon and we're excited about that.  Can't wait to see how much bigger her belly is!
Jamie, I have always grated my cheese for pimiento cheese until one day Jerry asked why I didn't use the already grated kind.  I buy that "fine"  grated cheese that is cheddar and colby jack mixed.  I add a little sweet pickle juice, Miracle Whip lite, a small jar of already cut up pimientos and sugar.  It is awesome and so much easier than before!   On another note, if you like cheesecake, Sam's has an awesome one from The Cheesecake Factory and it's only $11 and some odd cents.  Well worth it!!
Okay, now I'm getting hungry!   love you all, pat
Judy, I meant to tell you earlier that I can't believe Dean's been gone for 5 years!  I miss him!!
I go to the GI doc Wednesday and then I'm sure tests will follow! Joy is my word too!!LOL Do you have drops Jamie for your eye? I keep antibiotic eye drops cause my eyes get dry especially when the ceiling fan is going and it causes corneal abrasion. Fun!!! NOT!! I know Jeanie doesn't melt her cheese before making pimento cheese but that's about all I know! I make mine with American cheese that you grate and then smash the pimentos and add them. I use Miracle whip light and don't add pickle juice but do add sugar. I think it's Mom's recipe that I have always used. Pat did you go yesterday to see Mom and Dad? How were they? Jeanie will be gone from Wed through the weekend, so Pam can you go this week? Hopefully I'll get back up next week depending on my tests. Love to all, Judy
I've got an eye!! I think I got it from the Kroger shopping cart handle...I don't even want to think about it!! Anyway...I'm going to attempt to shower and then do some housework...maybe some yard work too...we got 7 dead trees cut down and there's quite a mess in the yard!!   On a side note...Jeanie, how do you make your pimento it just cheddar, pimento and mayo with a splash of pickle juice?  Do you "melt" your cheese a little on a double boiler and smash your pimentos?  For some reason, been craving it!!  Judy, what did the doctor say on Friday? Did she say, no more mountain dews?!!!! I hope not..let me know.   Love you all,  Jamie

Saturday, October 22, 2011

My visit with Mom and Dad WAS so special! I hope for more---but you never know at this point! I did call and talk to Faith and can use some of Mom's Millers' Trust Fund to pay on her bill---hey, every little bit will help. It's only about $700, but that's $700 we can use! I also called and talked to MS on Fri. He and I don't have the same amounts, but part of that is because of Medicare's payment when Mom was in the hospital. He also said that we still owed around $600 on Dad's----there is NO WAY this is right! I paid the entire amount that was due AFTER I thought I had paid all of it and before he told me we'd owe for Dad's portion of each day even when Medicaid did pay---paid that! He was going to check it out and call me---I told him I didn't want to worry with it all weekend! He called about 4:00 on Fri to say their computers were down and couldn't get into them to give me any info. I just told him I'd see him Mon so we can go over Dad's and Mom's---I want SOMETHING in writing that we are DONE!!!!!!PERIOD, DOT, COMMA!!!!!!!!!!! After I talked to him, I'm like 'It's never going to be settled!' I felt like here we go again---one step forward and two steps back! Anyway, I'm not worrying about it because we do NOT owe that amount---$10 maybe because of the premium for Humana that DHS took back, but $600 or so---NO! Ok, I'm off to bed. Love you all, Jeanie

Friday, October 21, 2011

Jamie that would be much more than cool to say you were there when the Cards win but let's hope it doesn't have to go to 7 cause not sure my heart can stand that!! Lol I too am thrilled about the visit with Mom and Dad and hope for a day like that for my next visit!! Lol Leisa and I have the 2nd yardsale for her stuff and some of mine tomorrow and then hopefully we're done for a while!! Leisas pics were awesome! Hard to pick a favorite! love to all, Judy
Jeanie, that just makes me so happy that Dad was so good and that Mom griped at you...for that moment, all was so normal!!:)  Maybe Dad's cake and party brought him around...I swear, he needs a little sugar and needs a little fat...two things I try to eat everyday myself!! These moments are so special for sure!!  Thanks for the great report...makes my day!!  Judy, saw Leisa's engagement pictures...beautiful...Bryan looks a little like George Clooney in a couple of them!! I picked my 3 favorites on facebook!!  Pat, Molli looks so glad everything is going so great for her...she's the sweetest and her blog is precious!!  Pam, when does Casey come home...I know he's getting too I'm sure...hope it's soon!  Jerry just called and we got 2 tickets to the world series in St Louis...for game 7...let's hope there is a game 7 now! How awesome would that be to say "I was there when the Cards won!!"?  Molina...I'm coming to see you!!:)  Ok, running the vacuum and doing the boys laundry...yuck...have a great weekend..Love you,Jamie

Thursday, October 20, 2011

I'm so glad you had an awesome visit with dad! That makes my day!!! I just feel like all of us should go see them EVERY chance we can because I think our good visits are going to be fewer and fewer. Awesome!! I'm anxiously awaiting my total for Mom's bill!! Im so excited to have that behind us!! Love to all, Judy
Ok, quick note. The girls are on their way to stay with us while Jeremy goes to W. Memphis for a ballgame and Fara has class. Dad was beyond awesome today! I mean, he was the most with it that I've seen in months!!!!!!!!! He was all smiles and talking and saying reasonable things and on and on. Bruce was like OMG! your Dad was great today! He was, too. He wasn't sleepy---that's the key for Dad. They weighed him today and he weighed 139---up 4 pounds. She said he'd been eating better and she noticed him eating the cake and all on Tues. Hey, I told her, feed him anything he'll eat! I'm serious! Give him the fats and sugars and whatever! He kept saying what good care they took of them there and how nice they all were and about the shower and how it had to be that way so they could stay on schedule---just tons of stuff. He never once rolled away either at lunch or afterwards in the big commons area. He just sat and talked to us. Margaret said she was glad he'd had such a good birthday---it's just been a good week for Dad---today was beyond good! Mom ate well and weighs 127---I told them I figured she weighed more than that! LOL! She actually said 'Quit, Jeanie' today when I wiped her eyes---I swear she did. I was like: I can't believe she said that! LOL! Anyway, a VERY good visit! They're going to take another chest x-ray when Mom finishes her antibiotic! Love you all, Jeanie
Well if you can't make your figures match LNC then they can't be matched!!! If theirs is lowest anyway, then let's just go with it! We definitely want it in writing that this is the FINAL bill so he can't come up more crap later! Done is done to me!! I'm anxious to have it all paid and not have to worry about anymore! Love to all, Judy

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Judy posted for me yesterday, but I'm just checking in tonight. I've been going over Mom's bill; and I hate to admit it, but I can't get mine to match LNC's! I'll take theirs and will ask IF we pay that will that be the end of the bill for Mom!?! I want that in writing, too! I'm going to call Faith Elrod tomorrow to see if we can just use the amount in Mom's Millers Trust account to pay on her bill----I don't see why not---but good grief, don't get me to lying!!!!!! Anyway, I hope by Fri (for sure) to have an amount that each of us will have to pay to LNC for our part of Mom's bill. It has been a long drawn out affair, and I for one will be glad that the bill is FINALLY paid! Each of us will just pay our part to LNC---you'll just need to write a check and put it's for Margaret Shelton's bill---send it or just pay when you're there. GET RECEIPTS!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL! Love you all, Jeanie      Judy was right in that it was a good day/time. Maybe once a month (at least) we can have a holiday day there---of course coming up in Nov is Mom's birthday + Thanksgiving and then in Dec is Christmas----BUT maybe starting in Jan we can do our own holiday days for them!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I wish we all could have been there! It was upbeat and festive and hate it that we couldn't do a family gathering there way more often! Maybe we can try to do that more often! Love to all, Judy
Glad you all went & had a good visit. Wish I could have been there...Pam
Oh forgot to mention that we took dad a birthday cake too and I took pictures with him holding it and will try to post some later. We shared cake with all the staff there at the time and left the rest for the other staff. They are all super nice down there it seems to me and were getting napkins, forks, ice cream,etc and just willing to do things without us even asking!! It was a good day!! Love to all, Judy
I'm posting for Jeanie and I both and possibly even Jamie!!! We went to LNC for Dad's birthday and it was awesome!! They asked us if we all wanted to eat together in the large commons area and we did. They brought dad a cupcake with a candle on a saucer and it was adorable cause we all sang happy birthday together including 5 staff members. Dad was sleeping when we first got there but came around with a cup of coffee. Mom was sleeping too and even though she ate really good she was not very responsive to talk or touch. Mom is slipping further and further away and I see it with each visit. She did tell Jeanie to "oh shut up" once!! Lol Dad looked good and seemed to really enjoy all the attention cause almost all the staff came around to say happy birthday and sing to him at different times. There is one lady down there that seems to just love dad and he does her too because as soon as she came up to him he had a huge grin on his face. I don't know if she's an aide or works housekeeping. She is always so nice to dad. Dad was sound asleep when we all left as was mom. We spent probably 3 hours with them and it was a good day for all of us. Love to all, Judy

Monday, October 17, 2011

Ok girls get those minds out of the gutter! I meant footballs that Jamie is bringing!! We are getting dad a cake and balloons to take with us down tomorrow. Hopefully dad will eat it!! Lol Love to all, Judy
Jeanie, look on under western kentucky, then listings for antiques.  On Sunday, someone in Eddyville posted a butcher block table..there's a picture too you can look at along with the dimensions....anything you might be interested in?  I wouldn't mind doing a road trip to Eddyville!!  See you tomorrow...Jamie
Yea I'd hate to forget my balls...that definitely wouldn't be good!!:)  Cake sounds delicious to me...I'll get my fork ready...if I don't forget my balls!! :)   See you tomorrow!! Love you,  Jamie
Hee hee!! Judy, what kind of balls are we talking about?   pat
Am I the only one who found Judy's post funny!?! LOL! Love you all, Jeanie
When Brittney had all those ear infections even after her tubes, the pediatrician at Children's Hospital put her on a low dose antibiotic too for a year. She did much better with those stupid things too during that time and eventually outgrew them all together. Hopefully the same with Macie! jamie I'm going up today and mentioned to Jeanie about getting a cake from SAMs foe dad and nursing staff on his wing, cause their cakes are delicious!! Presents? Not that I know of but we'll see. Don't forget the balls!! Lol Love to all, Judy
I literally stayed in bed all day yesterday...I was officially pooped! Feeling pretty awake this morning!! Jeanie, so sorry to hear about Macie...can totally relate to the long term antibiotics and there effectiveness.  When Jerome was like 10 and had all those kidney problems...talking possible removal of one because of a severe infection...the pediatric urologist put him on a low dose of Septra(an antibiotic) for 1 year. At the 6 month mark, his ultrasound was  so normal that they took him off early and pronounced him recovered...I know Macie will have the same results and hopefully this will totally end her ear, nose and throat issues once and for all...but it's still scary I know! Homecoming was awesome!! We reconnected with so many people and the new Pike Lodge is so beautiful...we had the official open house on Friday night!  Jerome and Jason's pledge brothers and active brothers are all too cute and they're having was too much fun!!:) Murray won their game on Saturday with an exciting victory in the 4th quarter!! Jerry's PIKE big brother's son won Homecoming King...he's also a PIKE and the PIKES won best float in the was a good weekend!!  Ok, out to run a few errands and go to the derm...I'll see some of you tomorrow!! Are we doing presents? Cake? for Dad...let me know and I'll pick up whatever!!   Love you,  Jamie

Sunday, October 16, 2011

It does suck about Macie, but I'm thinking everything will be fine---hopefully she'll outgrow it! She's really becoming her own person! LOL! We've had a really good weekend with the Horn's, and it was awesome at Chris and Dana's cabin on Sat. It was just so peaceful and relaxing even with everyone there. It was just so nice. Ok, I'm checking in before I start to try to put things together here. I actually got a letter from LNC on Sat, and the revised amount is about $150 less than the one he gave me on Fri! We'll see. Hopefully this week I can give a final amount due to each of you and this part of the affair will be over for the time being! There will be financial hurdles in the future, but I believe this will end our portion of it! We'll see. I'm not counting on anything at this point in time! LOL! Love you all, Jeanie
Just posting a note to make sure everyone knows I'm reading and cking her numerous times a day for notes! We were good at posting we were here for a while but now not so much!! Come on sisters and show your support for this blog before it becomes a thing of the past!! I'll be there Tuesday for Dad's bday! I'll see you there Jamie! Pat and Pam will you make it over that day too? Love to all, Judy

Friday, October 14, 2011

Well that sucks BIG about Macie!! You're right in the fact you'd never think she was sick and looks majorly healthy!! It will be ok though! Finding out where all the colds and snot is coming from is a good thing!!I'll add her to my prayers for sure!! I'll take MS amount too!! I'm sure it will fall through too cause this whole thing has been a nightmare!! Off to bed for early getup for the yard sale!! Love to all, Judy
I'm glad the weight thing made no sense to you either! I guess I'm thinking that a pound of feathers weighs as much as a pound of iron! I don't get it either, but I guess it's like spreading the weight of a floor over the entire beam and not just all in one spot kind of thing. Whatever, as long as they continue to weigh him sitting in the wheelchair, we'll have apples to apples to check his weight. I did go see them this morning---both were sleeping. Debbie said that Mom was coughing up the 'gook' in her lungs, but where it was going she didn't want to even know! They both had eaten ok at breakfast, and she said they were doing fine this morning. I asked her again about a urine sample----she said she'd left several notes about it, but that she hadn't seen anything saying they had gotten one. She said Dad wasn't showing any signs of a UTI, but I told her that I wanted one to be SURE he didn't still have one going on. I did talk to MS about Mom's bill---he gave me a statement showing all the charges and what we'd paid. His was different from mine in a good way----it won't hold up, I'm sure---but for today I'll take his! LOL! On another note, Fara found out today that Macie has an immune deficiency in the area of the cold, snotty nose, etc area. She has to take a teaspoon of amoxicillin (I believe that's the one) every day for a YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She has an appointment with Children's Hospital in Little Rock in Nov. They'll check her to see if there are other areas, etc, and then she'll be retested in 6 months to see how it's all going! Worry, worry, worry! Bless all their hearts. She's growing so big and eats so well---to look at her you'd never guess the child had been sick a day in her life! Say a little extra prayer for Macie Riggs Moore---she's really a sweet little girl. Ok, I'm waiting on my company. I'm a nervous wreck tonight---I think the whole thing with Macie wiped me out and I've got to get my balance back. If I ever totally lose it, just put me away---far, far away---somewhere! Love you all, Jeanie
Yes come on the 18th Judy because I'm coming over that day too! At this point that will be a welcome vacation!!  I've had one crazy busy week and today homecoming events kick off...I have 3 things today and tomorrow my day starts with a parade in the morning, pike party at 11, ballgame at 3 and a house party at 7....Sunday, I'll be officially tired!!:)  Monday I have a derm appointment..not really looking forward to that, but it's necessary!! Got to set up a mammo and a pap...but those are even LESS desired than the derm!!  I'm having a hard time understanding about the weight thing for LNC...they weigh less sitting down because of gravity...WHAT? Sounds like BS to me..I'll have to have someone explain that one to me! I love how they say they'll give Dad that drink anytime he asks for it...HELLO!!! are they nuts? Do they think he's going to pull up to the nurses station and say, "Yes, I'd like that diabetic calorie supplement please!" Whatever!! Ok, I've got to get off here and run the vacuum and do a little cleaning before heading out the door...I'm already tired, is that bad?   Love you,  Jamie

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Dad's birthday is Tues, the 18th! Come on down! We'll have a party at LNC! LOL! Love you all, Jeanie
You ARE great company! Sounds like a plan to me about the settlement amount but I'll just take whatever to be able to put a check by that!! Insane it's taken us this long and still dealing with it! Hopefully this will be the final big hurdle until it comes to them being gone and we have the house issue! UGGGG!!! I'm glad dad was better cause he was pretty loopy Monday! I'm thinking I'll try to come up on his birthday which will be what day? You know I can't ever remember if it's the 16th or the 18th!! Lol love to all, Judy
Ok, Sisters, I finally talked to Michael Smith today! I told him to get me a statement showing what Mom owes so I can compare it to mine. He said that he could get me a bottom line amount AND could get the other one showing all charges and payments if we need it. I told him to give me the bottom line and if they didn't match THEN I'd want the other so I could see how it was the amount he has. I'm suppose to pick that up Fri. I haven't heard anything else from Chad's office and don't think it will matter anyway. I also asked MS (Michael Smith) if they would take a settlement for a certain amount. Of course, he said no. Anyway, I'll know more on Fri. Mom and Dad were ok, today----actually I thought Dad was a little better. He was SO sleepy in the dining room that he kept kind of nodding off. He even kept saying, "I'm so sleepy!" I took him tobacco, razors, jeans and both candy today. I bought Dad a new pair of jeans last month, too. Mon he had NO jeans in his closet and only the pair on his body. Today he had on a pair + had one pair in the closet. Whatever! Mom ate really good at lunch---everything on her plate. A lady---not sure who she was/is---came in and told me they had new orders on Mom and Dad. They're switching Mom's appetite supplement to another that's suppose to have more calories! I said: WHY? She's gained another pound this month! The lady didn't know. She just said that dietary had met yesterday and this was their suggestion/recommendation. For Dad they had a diabetic Ensure (Glecema?) that he could have whenever he asked for it! I'm like, he's never going to ask for that! IF it's not put on a tray or given to him for a snack---well, they might as well not bother! She said well he can have it any time! I explained it again. She said she'd go talk to Becky---Becky had already left for the day---so she was going to check with her tomorrow and then call me! There are two bags of candy--one big and one small---that are at the nurse's station. They both love the candy. If you're there and want to give them one, just ask for it. Dad ate his right down. Mom did, too---you just have to break hers into bite size pieces and feed them to her. Anyway, both of them fell asleep in their chairs in the commons area! LOL! I'm great company! LOL! Love you all, Jeanie

Monday, October 10, 2011

Just got home from visiting with Mom and Dad and it was an ok visit. Mom was literally the same to me except she didn't really say much other than stop or quit. We had one of the girl's cut Mom's fingernails cause they were so long and she had scratched her face today. She has her fingers all clutched too and we got a rolled washcloth in her palm so she wasn't digging into her hand. She ate good at lunch. Dad wasn't eating much when we got there but I took his fork and got him to eat at least half plus ice cream. One of the girl's gave him a piece of a candy bar and coke too!! Lol He really is garbled in his speech and the only thing I know he said really was something about a cigarette! We told him he has a birthday soon and he said "sure nuf?" lol!! We were saying he was going to be 92 and later he told me he was going to be 92 so he remembered. I asked about how many kids he had and he sat there a long time but said 5. Jeanie said that was right cause I had asked how many other kids he had since we told him Ona to get him started! Lol. Moms cough is still not good but maybe she's not coughing as often. Jeanie asked about Dad's weight and they are weighing him in a chair now since the girl said he won't stand for her any more but told us that the weights are different standing vs sitting??? We didn't understand but today in his chair she said he weighed 135! We aren't sure what that would have been standing but they told us that sitting you weigh less because of gravity???Anyway Jeanie said to weigh him sitting from now on then so we could keep upmwith his weight. Mom had gained a pound and weighs 126 they said which seems low! Jeanie asked Debbir about if they had sent a urine specimen in to make sure Dad's UTI is gone and she said it was on her list of to do. Ok I think that's about it! Love to all, Judy

Sunday, October 9, 2011

The first time I saw Mom being moved with the sling was very hard on me, too. It was just so in-your-face about how bad Mom is. It is really hard. I hope the breathing treatments are helping. Did the nurse seem to say anything about that? I don't understand Dad not knowing you? Is his UTI worse? Did they get another urine sample? Was he tired? I don't get that at all. Ok, I am going down in the morning--well around noon. Judy is coming up to go with me. I'll try to find out some answers to some of these questions. Love you all, Jeanie
Jerry and I went to see Mom and Dad this morning and it was not a good visit for me.  When we got there they had Mother in a "sling" getting her out of bed into her wheelchair.  It was not something that I enjoyed seeing.  It was just pitiful.  Dad looked good, but he did not know us.  I asked him if he knew who I was and he said no.  I talked to the nurse, but she didn't have a lot to tell me.  She said Mother has 4 breathing treatments a day.   They are just not good.  I don't see how Mother can live much longer.  Needless to say, I cried all the way home!  I also learned that Nikki doesn't work there anymore.
Mother got a letter for jury duty in the mail - yeah, go figure.  Anyway, I went on line and got that taken care of.  I wish she could do jury duty!
On a happier note, Molli and baby Margaret are still doing great.  Three more months!  Her nursery is going to be so cute.  Jerry and I going there on the 28th for the weekend.  Her friends at work are giving her a shower, so I'll be able to be there.  They are both still so excited!  okay, off to get my laundry finished!   love you, pat

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Called to check on Mom and Dad and Donna said Mom was kind of quiet today and hadn't eaten much. I asked that she please push liquids and she said she would. Dad had only eaten about 50% today too but he was there at nursing station and drinking his coffee. She said that Mom was still. Getting her updrafts too so hopefully shell be better this week. I'm going to drive up on Monday to see them. I'll post then. Love to all, Judy

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Yes hopefully it will clear it! I called and talked to Donna right after I talked to Jeanie and asked her to put a note on chart and to dietary that Mom needed to eat yogurt while taking Cipro and she said she would and that she had eaten Yogurt tonight for supper. Glad dad was better but I do worry about his weight lose. Not good!! Love to all, Judy
Bruce and I went to see Mom and Dad this morning. Dad was asleep, and they got Mom up right after we got there. Mom looked good and had eaten REALLY good at breakfast. Debbie told me that yesterday Lisa had sent in the wrong name with the request for info about Mom's cough. Debbie was faxing Mom's info today to the doc. Well, Donna called me tonight to say Mom has some pneumonia and they're going to give her updraft treatments + Cipro for the next 10 days. I asked about fever and there was/is none---just coughing. Dad had eaten great at breakfast, and Debbie said he'd actually been better than usual she thought. I asked about his eating and his weight. She checked and the last time he was weighed he was at 143 or 142---whatever, it was like up immediately after Jamie and I talked to Darah. They were suppose to be weighing him like maybe today---I told Debbie that there's no way he's gained weight. He looks really thin. She said she thought he'd lost weight, too. I'll call in the morning and ask if they got him weighed. Anyway, they seemed ok this morning. I hate that Mom has pneumonia, but hopefully the meds will take care of it. Ok, Love you all, Jeanie

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I called to check on Mom and Dad this morning. The lady said that Dad was up and about and had no new issues---hopefully his is over. I asked about LNC specifically. She said that they were heading in the right direction---the hall where Mom and Dad are has one lady this morning saying she doesn't feel well. I think it was Paula I talked to---anyway, Paula, said they didn't know if it was one of her regular days not to feel well, or if this was her getting sick! She said west hall still had 2 or 3 cases---but that they were hoping that within a couple of more days, it would be out of there. I told her that I wasn't wanting to come down and get it---she totally understood. I may call again in the morning before I go. On another note, she said she'd contacted the doc about Mom's cough. She hadn't heard back as of the time of my phone call. Mom definitely had a cough on Mon. She said she thought it was maybe an upper respiratory infection and he'd give her an antibiotic. She's going to call when she hears back from the doc. Ok, today I'm going to try to hem three pairs of jeans. Oh, yeah! LOL! Hey, all you sisters get well. We can't have the stomach troubles running around the fam! Love you all, Jeanie
Good news for me is NO CDiff!! Yeah!! Of course that does leave the question of what is it then but that's another day I guess!! Keep hoping it will all go back to normal on it's own! We'll see! Jamie I hope today is good for Dad and a few words out of Mom thrown in! Love to all, Judy
My plan is to come over tomorrow, but I still don't feel gut has just been a little upset the last few days...not sure if it's the new bread I bought or some raspberries I ate on Sunday...I do feel somewhat better today so far.  We've had the flu going around here as of the guys I met with on Monday had just gotten back after being out for 4 days...yikes...he told me this after I shook his hand..double yikes!! Thankfully, I had my germ x wipes in my purse!!   I'm heading out to do a few errands this morning and then going to try and relax this afternoon and enjoy the weather!!  Ok, Jeanie, I guess I'll see you tomorrow???  Do you want me to bring the footballs too?  Dryer buzzer just went off...that's my signal I guess!! :)   Love you all,  Jamie

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I called to check on Dad this morning and he was doing ok---no throwing up or big 'd' either. He'd eaten breakfast and was NOT on a liquid diet like several other residents. Hopefully he'll miss it all. I am not sure if I'm going tomorrow or wait until Thurs. I REALLY don't want any illness if I can avoid it! LOL! Keep working on getting that gut well! Love you all, Jeanie

Monday, October 3, 2011

Yes that book is awesome!!lol I'm still fighting with my gut so I'm NOT going tomorrow and probably won't make it this week at all since Jeanie and Bruce are coming here for the weekend on Friday! I'm sorry I can't take the risk with anymore gut problems at the moment! Pat and Pam hopefully one or both will make it there this week to pick up my slack! Sorry! love to all, Judy
I did go see Mom and Dad today. Mom had had a shower and ate really good at lunch. Dad was waiting for his shower and didn't eat as well at lunch. Dad kept telling me his stomach was churning---he was right. Margaret said that when they got him in the shower, he let it all go. Not totally diarrhea, but really close. She and another one or two of the girls told me that the stomach flu was going around at LNC. She said it did the same thing last year, too. I HOPE that Dad's not getting sick---he doesn't need it at all. I asked if it was the 24 hour type or what. Margaret said that for some it was 24 hours and for others it was a couple of days or more. Mom was coughing more than normal. Adrienne (sp?) said she'd left Mom sitting up this morning because she was hoping she'd go on and cough it up and not choke! I'm like good grief! I did feed Mom a piece of chocolate candy---VERY interested in it was she! LOL! I also paid the difference of Dad's bill----the amount left from last month and the extra for the Humana that he dropped at the beginning of Sept. HOPEFULLY that will be it other than the normal amount he pays each month. I did not pay that amount for Oct today because I hadn't gotten their social security checks by the time I went to LNC. I asked for Michael Smith and he was gone to lunch. I told the girl at the desk that I wanted him to get Mom's bill together for me. I will TRY to get there earlier next time and maybe catch him. I'd like to see what he has and if it matches up with mine. THEN we can come up with the figure. I hate that it's turned out this way, but that's the way it is. Anyway, I'm doing laundry and fixing to read on my (well, Judy's) book! It's actually very good! Love you all, Jeanie
Yes ampicillin is a penicillin type drug if not THE penicillin! Yogurt will help if they are giving him some. I'll be up tomorrow to see them! Will report afterward. Pat did you go yesterday? I know Sunday is your day usually and just wondered how they were. Love to all, Judy

Saturday, October 1, 2011

I don't know about that drug they have Dad on, but from the sound of it I'd say it was penicillin based.  This might really tear up Dad's gut..adding yogurt and bananas might help...might explain why he doesn't feel like eating.  I probably won't come over until Tuesday...Monday they're supposedly going to finish the last of the inside work and I have a meeting at 3.  Judy, if you want, change your days or add an extra day and we can visit for awhile on Tuesday.  We just got in from the Murray State game...heartbreaking loss....but still exciting up to the last seconds...literally!!  I'm hitting the showers and the's been a long week and a long weekend.  Love you all,  Jamie