Saturday, July 3, 2010

Playing secretary again! Why did I inherit this job?lol I always wanted to be Dad's secretary and guess this is as close as I'll ever get!LOL Talked to Jeanie this morning and she was headed to St. Louis for the holiday weekend. She had talked to Debbie at the nursing home and they finally got a script for Dad for his cough/cold. She said they were also giving him "breathing treatments" which is a normal routine thing. I know it helps break up the phlegm and get it out of his lungs. I also talked to Pam and she was going to go there today to check on them since Pat is having a yardsale and can't go and Jeanie is out of town. Pam said she had been too busy to even look on here, much less write! Jody and Peyton are living there now and I know she's helping Jody with Peyton in addition to her other things. I asked her to call me after the visit and I'll post what she found/thought. I'm going to Jonesboro a week from Sunday (Jeanie is going to be out of town and have Ryan's babies at her house part of the week and so I'll wait to go after she is free again) Now that Brittney and the boys are home (happy as they all can be!!!Yea!!!!) I have plenty of time to stay a couple of days at a time again. I'll post when I go! Happy 4th to all, and God Bless America!! Love, Judy

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