Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I called to check on Mom and Dad today and talked to Debbie. She said they were doing fine" so far" and not sure exactly what THAT meant!LOL Jeanie called me later today and said that Debbie mentioned that one of my sisters had called and she would be gone for a week and Dad said "it's probably Jeanie". Jeanie said that she didn't think Mom or Dad either one has known her the last couple of times she's been down there. Mom did eat today because Debbie said she had 75% at Breakfast and Dad had 100% as usual for him. Dad said "Come on Mrs. Shelton" to mother while Jeanie was sitting there too and she asked him where he was going. He said it was the last day of school and they had a long drive ahead of them. Something about Camden too?? Weird! Jeanie has company this week--Ryan and the girls are there for the week and tomorrow is Baby 2 for Jeremy/Fara. I plan on going up and spending the night sometime late this week or early next and will post afterwards. Mom and Dad have both always known me and it will be interesting! I'm so sorry for Jerry and dealing with the death of his SgtMajor. Give him my regards and tell him how sorry I am for all of the family. Love to all, Judy

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