Thursday, April 29, 2010

Went to see Mom & Dad today(Thurs)-got there by 5 & of course they were waiting for their food. Dad was wheeled over to the door, looking at them fixing trays. Mom was pushed up to the table, but was asleep in her wheelchair. They both knew me and were glad to see me. They were fine. I helped Mom eat, and she did ok. Dad just says crazy things. He asked Mom if she had the keys to the house, and something like they needed to hurry and leave. He asked me to stay with them, and go home tomorrow. I stayed about an hour. After Dad ate, he wanted his tobacco, so I made sure he got some. He asked me when I left about catching a bus, and I said I was fine, and he said he wasn't asking for me, but for him! I guess he thinks he's at the casino or somewhere. He just talks crazy from one subject to the next. He said something about the guy that works there, Sam, stole his money and that he looks shady to him. Then he talked about a wreck of some kind. Mentioned something about Jeanie, but couldn't figure that one out. Are we sure they're not giving him something? I just hate when you really can't have a conversation with either one of them. I guess I should be happy that at least they were both happy and not upset. I won't be able to go again until next week. Jeanie and Pat, keep us informed. Love, Pam

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