Thursday, September 30, 2010

Hey, tell Santa at the North Pole that we all NEED stuff!!!!!!!! LOL! That is SO cool---no pun intended!!!! LOL! I DID try to call you back, but you didn't answer! Anyway, Bruce and I are in Ashland, KY. Isn't this where J.R. lived? I think it is. I'd love to look one of their girls up, but I have no idea of either one of their last names! Oh, well! Their loss! Anyway, we've had a great time. WV is SOOO pretty! I'll be home Sun, too. Did I tell you all that Annie has Diabetes?!? She does. I took her to the doc on Sat morning before we headed out, and that's when I found out. I was so sad. She's such a sweet little dog. She's spent the week at the vet, so they could get her started on insulin shots! That part I HATE! I dread having to give her shots twice a day. Hopefully it won't turn out to be a nightmare. We'll see. Love you all, Jeanie
Yes let's hope that tomorrow is an even better day for Mom and Dad! I know they have bad and good days which is a blessing! Wow Jeanie you DID have a full birthday! Is that the reason you didn't call me back?lol I was at Chena Hot Springs Resort! We went there for the hot water since Brittney and Frank wanted to see, get in it before they move next year. We're going to the North Pole again tomorrow, the Pumpkin Patch on Friday and then I go to the airport Friday night at midnight to start my trip home. Went by so fast this time! I'll see/talk when I get home. Love to all and thanks for the posts! Love, Judy

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Hey, those years didn't evaporate---they blew up all over me! LOL! Thank you sisters for the Happy Birthday's! I've had a great day! We went to the Hopalong Cassidy Museum and antique mall, then to Homer Laughlin (dug around in Fiesta for about 2 hours!!!), shopped at Goodwill, went to the horse races and then the casino! LOL! Pretty much covered all the bases! It was so much fun though! Love you all, Jeanie
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JEANIE!!!! Gosh, when you were a Senior, and I was in the 7th grade, I thought you were SO old! Now, why don't I still feel that way? Those few years evaporated somewhere! hee hee! love you, pat
That's the right attitude, Pam. We NEED to check on them for them and us. You just have to tell yourself that if they're not that great today---hey, there's tomorrow! Good for you! Not being there, I can tell you how much this helps me being able to get on here and read about them! You'd be amazed how much it helps! Thank you so much for going AND for posting! Love you all, Jeanie

Monday, September 27, 2010

It's late & I'm tired, but just wanted to let you all know that I went to see Mom & Dad. I got over there about 3:45 & Mom was asleep and Dad was in his wheelchair. He was really confused and just wasn't that great. He just didn't make much sense the whole time I was there. But I'm glad I went to check on them & maybe Thurs will be better. Love, Pam
Good job, Pat and Pam! It all sounds pretty normal for them, really. Mom is just sad when you compare her to what she was----she can't help it and neither can anyone else. You just have to accept her for what she is today. She would be devastated if she knew how she was---that's part of the good news---because she doesn't. I know what you mean about her eyes. It almost looks like she has cataracts (sp?), but I know she's had them removed once. Can they come back? No idea. The funny part is she can see! If you put something up in front of her, she'll grab it/at it! Debbie told me that that's part of the AD. Eating is what she does best---including your hand if you're not careful. Dad still loves her. Did she call Dad's name or anything while either of you were there? Did she address him at all? It's just a horrible way to end your life, but is there really a good way!?! I can't think of any other than just going to sleep and not waking up. Anyway, good job on the visits. As long as someone is there basically every other day---that's great. I don't like the 4 day periods with noone there to just check in on them. Love you all, Jeanie
Pat, Jeanie and I have both thought the same thing about Mom's eyes. It's like she isn't really looking at you but then will turn around and read something off the wall, book, or something. Weird!! It's almost like she's blind! I know how hard this is on all of us but Mom is so pitiful and can you imagine that they were home alone less 7 months ago!!! HOW is it possible that they were existing?? Good job sisters!Love Judy

Sunday, September 26, 2010

I went to see Mom and Dad this morning. Dad was in bed asleep when we got there and Mother was just sitting in the big waiting room in her wheelchair. She was totally out of it and never even realized we were there. I hung Dad's new clothes up in his closet and put his pjs and socks in the drawer. They finally got Dad up and shaved him and he looked good, but was pretty out of it at first. When we got to the cafeteria, I got him some coffee and he seemed better. I talked to Nikki for a bit and she said Dad seemed okay, but was just tired. Mother looked pitiful! Her eyes are just so weird! It's like she's not really looking at you when she is. It's hard to explain, but when you see her you understand what I'm talking about. One of her eyes closes more than the other too. They did have lots of Halloween decorations up and a cute fall display out front. Anyway, not too bad! Love you all, pat
I went to see Mom and Dad yesterday, Sat. They were at the table, waiting for their food. They had given Dad coffee. I HATE the way they do the feedings. It's so horrible, having to sit there and wait for your food, when you see everyone else in the other room eating. I understand why they do it, but I still don't like it. Dad was pretty good. He asked about Jim and we had a good conversation. He acted like he was glad to see me. Mom is just out of it. She was just sitting there, mumbling to herself, and chewing on the drawstring to her pants!lol Dad said she tries to eat paper! There were so many new workers there. Maybe it's the weekend shift or something, but I only recognized two of them. They are suppose to serve Mom finger food aren't they, but she had the same thing as Dad, except she got ice cream and cookie and Dad had jello. She has a great appetite, and ate everything, and even tried to eat the spoon. She's so sad though. I just hate it so much. Dad was so sweet to her, and called her his precious. He patted on her and everything. I just hurt so much for them. I just can't stand it. Pat was going today, and I'm going Mon & Thurs & Pat is going Fri & maybe Sat. & I can go Sunday. That's the best we can do with our crazy lives!! Love you sisters! Pam

Friday, September 24, 2010

Smarty Butt!!LOL Hey you better enjoy this cause you only have a few more days to rub it in that we're the same age!lol I too will be thrilled when all of this is done and no one has to even think about the financial stuff anymore. Won't THAT be awesome??? Hopefully Dad will be a lot better soon with all that medicine! Good job on his new things too! Can never have too much candy or jeans!!lol Went to Denali today and it was 29 degrees! YIKES!! See you all soon, Love ya, Judy
Ok, Debbie called me late this afternoon. She said the x-ray did show that Dad had a touch of pneumonia and the urine culture did show he had an infection--double whammy! Good grief! Still no temp. They're going to give him Rocephin (shot--1 gram) for 3 days and Cipro (500 mg) 2x daily for 10 days + updraft treatments every 6 hours + Robitussin every 6 hours. I asked her how he was today, and she said he didn't seem like he felt that bad. She said he did look like he didn't feel really well, but she was surprised by the diagnosis (sp?), too. Anyway, we'll see. Meanwhile Pat and I went to WalMart and bought Dad 4 long-sleeved t-shirts, 2 sweatshirt zip front jackets, some p.j.'s, 2 packs of candy and 2 packs of tobacco. Mom got her money from the state of Mo---$1000. That will go into her trust account. This should be the end of the incoming monies. I talked to Chad again tonight and it should be fine for the 6th so we can file. I'll be so glad to get this all straightened out for them and us. Bless their hearts. Life is tough for anyone, like Judy, who is getting old! LOL! Love you all, Jeanie

Thursday, September 23, 2010

So with Dad trying to get Mom to say his name, do you think he realizes she doesn't know any of us now? I know the last time I was there, she called him Precious but not Jamess or anything. Jeanie I also don't know if Pam reads the blog every day so you might want to text her that you'll be gone. I'll be home 10/2 and will be up after that. It might be the weekend of 10/9 though cause I have about 5 things on my agenda already for that week. Love to all, Judy
Today is Thurs. I went to see Mom and Dad today. I got there a little after 12 and stayed until about 2:00. They hadn't gotten lunch, so I fed Mom her meal. She kills me how she eats and WANTS to eat! I'm feeding her fast and furious, and she's STILL trying to eat the napkin, bib, her fingers---anything loose! She ate ALL of her taco salad, beans, ice cream, blackberry cobbler AND a turkey and cheese sandwich + drank her tea and milk and had a few cheetoes!!!!!!!!!!! Mom would CROAK if she knew she was eating like that! LOL! Dad told me when I first got there that he'd been trying to get her to say who he was, and she wouldn't. I'm not sure if she knows or doesn't. She never did address him today while I was there, but she seemed pretty good to me. She wasn't leaning in the wheelchair as badly today and they had taken the extra cushion away. Debbie told me that Dad had been coughing and had coughed up a big hunk of green stuff. She'd ordered a chest x-ray since he's complained about his back. No results yet on the urine sample. Dad had no fever either. She just didn't like what he coughed up. I asked if it could have been a hunk of drainage that he'd just coughed up and out instead of swallowing it, but she didn't really think so. I took them outside and it was SO windy. Dad kept saying it felt so good out there. It did, too. Anyway, they both went sound asleep sitting out there! LOL! Obviously I'm great company! LOL! I'm also going to be gone all next week. SOOOO Patsy and Pam, you're it! Everyone will be way out of town except for the two of you! Love you all, Jeanie

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Thanks Pat! No roaming charges don't apply--thank goodness or Brittney and I would be broke!lol I had a GREAT day! Brittney and Frank and boys took me to Silver Gulch brewery for dinner. The food was amazing! They actually have a brewery still operating there and of course I could have bought booze but didn't!lol They got me 2 books, a CD that I had been wanting too! I bought myself a hooded sweatshirt from the brewery as my souvenir (sp??) It's freezing cold here. I wore a hooded sweatshirt and still was cold! It was sunny even but still cold. All the leaves have turned gold,yellow, orange and red and it's gorgeous. Babies are great too! I'll see you all soon! Love, Judy
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JUDY!!!!!! Hope you had a great day!!! I started to call you, but didn't know if roaming charges apply in Alaska! Anyway, love you!!! pat

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Today is Tues, and I went to see Mom and Dad today. Debbie called me last night to tell me that Dad was complaining about his back + his urine had a strong smell + Dad had told her it hurt when he went to the bathroom. She was ordering a culture on his urine to make sure nothing was going on. I asked him today about his back--nothing really. I asked Debbie about it, and she said sometimes he complains and sometimes he doesn't. They did get the urine sample and the results should be back by Fri. He looked good today but seemed kind of confused. He asked me about Bruce (by name) though and that was good. Mom ate like there was no tomorrow! I fed her EVERYTHING on her plate! She never made any reaction until I got to the ice cream and then she was like THAT'S GOOD! They were doing fine, really. I had a call from the mobile dentist today though! They want to reline Dad's bottom teeth. I told her that I'd given permission to do that when they were here. She's like, well, you're private pay and we didn't do it. I got to thinking, I filled out a paper and marked that they could do that---then signed the paper! Anyway, NOW they want to come back, reline the dentures, re-examine Dad, and charge $301! I was so mad! I really think I'm going to call her and pass. Dad said his teeth felt great last week, and he doesn't seem to have any problem eating! I hate rip-offs! That's what I feel like they're doing---2 charges for examines instead of doing all the work at one visit! Love you all, Jeanie

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Good job, Patsy. I am so glad he said that about his teeth to you, too. That's great! I like that he was talking to some other people that were there. He NEEDS to do that. Wonder why his insulin was so low. Hey, I think they keep close watch on him, really. Ok, I'm off to do laundry. Love you all, Jeanie
Jerry and I went to see Mom and Dad this morning. When we got there, Mother was asleep in bed and Dad was sitting out in the big room talking with a couple who had come to see another lady there. He was making a lot of sense and knew who Jerry and I both were. Nikki said that his sugar had been low all morning and they were trying to get it back up. They didn't give him the insulin this morning and even after breakfast it was still only 87. When we got there, he was drinking some apple juice they had given him. Nikki said Mother had been up earlier and eaten and had seemed to be fine. Needless to say, I didn't wake her up. Not an eventful visit which is a good thing! I asked him about his teeth and he told me that they felt so much better. Anyway, life goes on. love you, pat

Friday, September 17, 2010

I don't know about the 'when' with Mom. She did cut out the caffine and the walking after Dad had his stroke----BUT so has Dad been without these things! I figure some people (for whatever reason) are just more likely to get this. Do I think that some things can help or hurt---sure! I figure I now need to drink coffee with chocolate syrup while walking with a group of people! LOL! Hey that would get me all but the spice in a single swoop! LOL! I have always thought that Mom's inability to hear had a direct bearing on her dementia. Maybe not, but the confusion that not hearing had to cause could definitely cause you to think/act in a weird way. Who knows. I don't think the brain games will ward it off unless you are a total slug who does nothing. Just living is a 'brain game' constantly! I think my brain is too overworked most of the time! LOL! Ok, enough of this 'puzzle' that has no answer! Love you all, Jeanie
Jeanie always told me that my diet drinks would probably be my saving grace and maybe she's right!lol I do LOVE my diet Mountain Dew loaoded in caffeine! I think it's all interesting though about prevention because it doesn't seem to be any where close to a cure. I'm sure I'll long be dead before that happens but maybe someday they'll find one. Although how many years has cancer been around without a cure but at least they've come such a long way in a lot of treatments. I think it's interesting too that Mom did go off caffeine coffee when she had the heart palpitations and not sure about date. The first time I actually noticed she had a problem much bigger than hearing was when we came to your house Jamie in Ft. Meade and took them to Washington, D.C. I remember telling Jeanie that I realized it wasn't just hearing because she asked me over and over the same questions and I knew she did hear me because she acknowledged the answer. All is well here in Alaska and the babies have grown/changed a lot since even they left my house at the end of June. Skyler seems older and Logan of course is changing daily. They go upstairs and play for long periods of time in their rooms together. It's much nicer for Skyler to have someone to play with since Logan is now older too. Keep those posts coming! love it! Love to all, Judy
Pam and I have talked about the eye pressure thing...are we the only 2? strange,huh? For now, I don't have to do anything, but yearly monitoring and optic nerve check. I know Pam hates the drops because once you start them, it's a life long thing and sometimes they change your eye color. Jerry's sister also has glaucoma..she's done great with hers for about 10 years or so. Yes, I know bifocals are new and's the principal of it all..vanity, thy name is woman!! So glad to hear Dad's teeth got a good scrubbing...I love freshly scrubbed cleanliness..and I'm sure they needed it..badly!! Jerry sent me some info that was just released on alzheimer's and the latest findings on prevention/curing. Turmeric (a spice found in Indian curry), caffeine, a glass of red or white wine, a diet low in saturated fats, a low cholesterol number,exercise and socialization are the latest keys to prevention and reversing the "coating" in the brain that scientists think is the reason for alzheimer''s. Turmeric was actually shown to help the body break up the coating and improve the was caffeine. I was thinking about when Mom switched over to decaf coffee after she had that heart procedure..that's when I was in ElPaso which was 2002-2003. I'm not saying she didn't have some issues prior to that, but not the issues that are more alzheimer/dementia like...those started to really surface Ft Campbell/Fort Drum. Am I right in my remembering? Maybe she was predisposed to the disease and the caffeine was holding it off all those years...Dad maybe should go back to caffeinated coffee if it's offered. I know all this stuff is just shots fired in the dark, but if there's something that can be done to prevent/slow the process, my nature is to try. Funny, the articles didn't mention anything about puzzle working, reading, you know "brain exercise" really talked more about a physical reason for alzheimer's. Thought is was interesting and wanted to share...because I care...Love you all, Jamie

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Pam has been doing drops in her eyes for Glaucoma for a couple of years now I think. She hated having to do it but man it beats the alternative! Bifocals are lineless jamie and NO ONE will know but you!lol Sorry your life is crazy but I kinda keep up with you jamie through facebook with your boys. Okay, hear one child screaming, got to go! Gotta love grandkids!lol Love to all, Judy
Jamie, two pieces of info. You did know that Pam was being monitored for high pressure in her eyes, too, right?! Also, bifocals don't LOOK like bifocals anymore, weirdo! LOL! You are too funny!

I went back to see Mom and Dad today (Thurs). Dad had been to see the dentist and was SO happy about it! He said they cleaned his teeth and adjusted his dentures and how well they fit now and how good they felt, etc! I was so happy for him. I got to thinking that I can't remember when he went to see about his dentures last! That was all so good! Mom on the other hand ground her teeth so badly while I was there after she woke up! I looked at her front teeth and they arc upward. I swear she has worn them down 'chewing' on them! She had 'sleeves' over both arms and both legs---to protect her skin tears. I also said something to Debbie about Mom's feet being swollen. She was going to check on them. When I pushed Mom into the dining room she literally inhaled her food! I'm not kidding. She couldn't eat it fast enough. She was even using her fork to feed herself! I was impressed! Anyway, she held my hand for about 20 min and would wrinkle her nose and smile at me from time to time. I finally took my hand away when she tried to BITE it! LOL! This was right before lunch! Dad looked good and sounded good. I took him some more tobacco---they called last night to say he was out! He was THRILLED and immediately took a big ole chew! LOL! I was there for about and hour and a half and they were fine. Ok, I'm off to watch Makenzie play volleyball! Whooo-oooo! She's adorable! Love you all, Jeanie
Hello Sisters,
Sorry I've been an absentee person here lately, just had some stuff going on. I've been monitored over the last year and a half for possible glaucoma...high pressure of the eyes. I've been worried the last couple of months or so because it seemed I just wasn't seeing very well, so I made my eye appointment. The good news is my optic nerve looks great and my pressures were 18 and 19...good for me, because at one time in Drum they had gotten to 23 and 21. The bad news is I need bifocals. My vanity got in the way and I now he's fitting me for good vision distance wise and I'll buy myself a set of those little "readers" at the drug store for when I really need them.....I told him, "sorry, I just had Botox and I'm NOT getting bifocals!" He looked at me kind of funny trying to establish the link between the 2 and the wisely said "No problem"!! We are now 4 drivers with 3 cars and Jason wants to drive to school every morning, so he gets up early to drop Jerry off at work on his way. I then have to pick Jerry up in the evening because Jason has golf and Jerome has work....he's in Oregon for the 2nd day in a row taking troops whitewater rafting and he's back again tomorrow! He took a group Bungee Jumping at Mt St Helens on Friday...he's loving this job and can't believe he gets paid to play and hang out with soldiers..he may never go to college!! Jerry has been sick ever since we got back from Canada..upper resp. thing that he can't seem to shake, so I've been making a lot of chicken soup and disinfecting stuff around the house! Tomorrow we are riding in a parade in Tacoma...crazy isn't it...and then attending a football game as a VIP....I'm hoping it doesn't rain, but I have a cool new rain jacket just in case!! Judy glad you're in Alaska...hug and kiss everyone for me and glad to hear Leisa is doing so much better. Jeanie, let me know if there's anything I can do to help with the whole money mess...YUCK...and my 10 grand is waiting whenever you need it!!:) Hope all is well with everyone...I'm off to eat some chips and watch Top Chef from last night!! Love you, Jamie

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

What a mess! Maybe eventually it will all be clear but I figure I'll be dead by then! lol I did however make it to Alaska and all is well. My Alaska family is all well and good! Love to all, Judy

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Ok, I met with Chad and STILL don't know anything! The whole thing is thrown up in a big mess with DHS's ruling. Chad will be filing a lawsuit about this (not just for us, but in general) to protest the ruling by DHS. In the meantime, Pat is to deposit the rest of the loan into Mom and Dad's regular checking acct. I'm to pay Mom's Sept bill from LNC out of Dad's trust acct---in Ar the spouse HAS to take care of the other's bills--hence me making this payment. I also have a dental bill for Dad + his pharmacy bill + Mom's pharmacy bill to pay, too. AFTER all of this, AFTER the first of Oct, Chad wants all Mom and Dad's accts to total less than $3000. THEN he's going to apply for both Mom and Dad for Medicaid for Oct. Who knows!?! The money they gave us is still subject to recall. He said it all just depends. I am NOT going to feel good about this whole thing until LONG after it seems to be settled! Anyway, that's the news from this front on that. Love you all, Jeanie
Today is Tues and I just got back from seeing Mom and Dad. They were good. They had had breakfast and were in the big commons room right outside their room. Mom was talking and smiling---she seemed 'awake'. Dad was right behind her in his wheelchair. He told me they were fixing to give him a bath, but it was Mom they were fixing to bathe. Dad had had a shower yesterday. Anyway, I took Dad outside and they brought Mom outside when they finished with her shower. She looked so good---so clean and her eyes totally cleaned off. She has 4 skin tears--one on her forearm, one on her upper arm opposite side, and one on each shin! She fights them all the time Daddy said. I'm sure that's where she got them. Anyway, this is short, but I have SO much to do. Nothing really remarkable about the visit. They seemed fine and both looked really good---great skin color and clean and all of that! Much better today than me! LOL! Ok, I'm off to clean and will write later after I meet with Chad! Hopefully I'll have some concrete info then---I doubt it, but a girl can hope! Love you all, Jeanie

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Ditto to Jeanie's post. I thought that it was going to be one of those horrible visits where I'm major depressed but it turned out okay. You could just see Dad calming down when he got his tobacco. Wondered how long it had been since he had any. Mom was smiling and asking me if I liked the orange dress the little girl had on and I said I loved it and she said she did too. Of course there was NO girl!LOL. Leisa is back to doing better after having a bad day yesterday with cramps, gas, etc. She goes back to the doctor tomorrow and I think he'll give her a clear bill which will be awesome for me since I leave Tuesday! I told Dad yesterday that I was leaving for Alaska and he said "I bet it will be cold there" and I told him that I expect snow. I told him that I'd see him in about 4 weeks and he said be careful. They are so sweet and I hate that there isn't any better choice for them than there but they seem fine and accepting==At least Dad does most of the time! He wasn't at first yesterday~!lol Love to all, Judy

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Today is Wed. Judy and I went to see Mom and Dad today, and it was a zoo when we first got there! Everyone seemed so edgy and Dad was so agitated and Mom was so grouchy! It was a zoo! Finally Mom calmed down, we got Mom a blanket and Dad a long sleeved shirt + some tobacco, Mom some Cheetos and cookies + punch, and Dad some socks--he had none on!---and it all got reasonable! Mom was actually interacting and communicating. It's the best I've seen her in several visits. Anyway, they were ok by the time we left---thank goodness! Nikki had said that Dad woke up so grouchy and that she was going to get a urine sample to make sure he didn't have a urinary tract infection starting---he was that bad this morning. Who knows! I did NOT get to talk to Chad today. I had an appointment for 2--then 3---then 4, but I could NOT go at 4. I had the girls coming at 5. Anyway, I have an appointment for 4 Tues the 14th! Hopefully we'll get some concrete info then. I asked if this would cause any problems for Mom---it being the middle of Sept---and she said that Medicaid would retroactive for 3 months. Ok, I'm off to get stuff ready for bed. I'm heading to Louisville tomorrow to stay with Ryan's girls while she and Bryan head to New York City! They're going to fashion week and some of the shows associated with fashion week! How fun is that! LOTS! Love you all, Jeanie

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

WOW Pat is about all I have to say!! That's AWESOME!!! Hopefully he will get some financial stability from this. Major jumpstart!! Good job! Going to see Mom and Dad in the morning with Jeanie and then heading back home. I have a meeting at St. Joe at 3 tomorrow and I have to go because the other 2 times they offer it is when I'm in Alaska. Hard to imagine that's a week from today! Leisa is doing better everyday and THAT is a blessing in and of itself! Love to all, Judy
Pat, Jerry told me about him winning! Is that amazing or what!?! Were they like $1, $5 or $10 tickets? I can NOT imagine doing that even once---much less twice! That is totally crazy! What a wonderful opportunity to jump start him on the road to financial peace! Love you, Jeanie
Okay, I have to tell everyone that Jerrod won $40,000.00 in the lottery this morning!!!! I still can't believe it, but Jerry went with him this morning to the lottery place and saw the check himself! They took his picture holding a huge check! Is that not crazy? The craziest part is that he bought 3 tickets and 2 of them had $20,000! He was on cloud nine to say the least! Hey, maybe he won't need to "borrow" any money from me for about a week! hee hee! love you, pat
Pam, I can't believe you haven't noticed her tooth before. She has had it missing for several months. I mentioned it to Pat who said she noticed it and it had NOT been missing before. No idea on the how! I do know that Mom was determined to 'eat' her glass yesterday (Mon) at breakfast! She tried her hardest to bite it! Whenever I'd try to get it, she would slap at my hand and say it was HERS and I could NOT have it! I figure between the 'grinding' of her teeth and this other, that it broke off. It doesn't seem to bother her---which is good! As for Dad yesterday, he was great! I told Bruce he looked strong and sounded stronger than even last week. I thought he was good then, but he was even better yesterday. I took him the newspaper and he was so wrapped up in reading it. He was reading it, too, because he made several comments about the content! He was really good. Mom---well---bless her heart, Mom is just not good. The good news is that she doesn't know it! I can't imagine Mom the way she is and her knowing it! That would be horrible! I did ask Debbie about Mom's eyes. I know she's always had the tearing, but it's the glazing (for want of a better word) that is different. At times Mom looks blind--she's not because if you put something out in front of her that she wants---she grabs it! I know she had cataracts removed, so that isn't it. They just don't look right. Sometimes they don't even focus on the same thing it looks like. Anyway, Debbie said it was part of AD. Anyway she is bad. The good news there is that she still feeds herself and still sits up, etc. Every now and then she'll have something to say that makes sense, too, which is wonderful. I know that it's a hard thing for them being there, Pat. There are times it gets to me, but I don't think either of them is unhappy! Is it what we want for them or us? No! But it is not that bad for the care they need either. The people seem to really like or respond or whatever it is they do to both Mom and Dad. That is wonderful. Anyway, Judy is here and we'll go tomorrow morning to see them. Love you all, Jeanie

Monday, September 6, 2010

Molli and I also went to see Mom and Dad about 11:15 yesterday. They were both sitting in the big room outside of their room. Mother was asleep in her wheelchair and mumbled occassionaly, but never really knew I was there. Dad was very alert. He asked me, "Did your Mother recognize you?" I told him she was too sleepy to know me! Anyway, Dad didn't want us to go and it really upset Molli and then I started crying, so it wasn't exactly a happy visit. It's just so hard sometimes to see them like they are. I feel sorrier for Dad, because he actually realizes things, and I know he must be so lonely and bored there at times. He told Molli and I that it was nice there except there were a lot of disabled people who sang too much! Anyway, some visits are just harder to get over than others. love you, pat
I went to see Mom and Dad Sunday afternoon. Mom was sitting in her wheelchair there in the lobby close to their room. I asked where Dad was and he was sitting outside. They had to separate them because Dad kept trying to push Mom and she didn't like it. Mom was just so sad and just talked and talked and makes no sense, but every now & then, she'll look at Dad and say something sweet and wrinkle her nose like she always did, but it lasts only a minute, and then she's back to talking nonsense.Oh, and she has a tooth missing! It's on the upper right side, two teeth over from her front teeth. I looked, and it's all gone, but just a little bit of the tooth, like she had a cap at one time. Did she?I thought oh my gosh. How are they ever going to fix that?! Dad looked so good and seemed great. When he saw me, he put out his arms to hug me, and was so sweet. He asked about Jim. He says something a little crazy every now and then, like he told me he thought he saw Judy. I said, no, I didn't think Judy was in because Leisa had had surgery, and he said yes, he had seen her up on the stage!lol But all in all, he was good. He had his socks all rolled down in his shoes which I thought was weird but he looked good and was clean and chewing his tobacco. Jeanie, that was so nice of you to go by and see Marie and Jeanie Louise. I know they appreciated it. Judy, I'm glad Leisa is doing well. We are praying for her. Love, Pam

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Bruce and I went to Henderson over the weekend. We were driving to Owensboro when Bruce saw the sign for Zion. He loves to go through little towns and said let's go through Zion. I told him we needed to find Granny's house. We did. They've painted it a yellow/tanish type color. Looks pretty much like it did when Ernie took Mom, Dad, Judy and I to see it except it was gray then. It's funny how small it and the yard look! I guess I'm just so much bigger now! LOL! Anyway, after I dropped Bruce off at the track, I went to see if I could find Marie's house. (We were back in Henderson now!) I did. I had a general idea where it was, but I wasn't totally sure. She wasn't home on Fri, but I told the guy living in the apartment I thought was Marie's I'd be back on Sat. She and Jeanne Louise were really glad to see me. Marie lives in the apartment that used to be Ernie's. Her address is 427A Fagan, Henderson, KY. She asked about Mom and Dad and didn't know they were in LNC. We talked for a long time. She is SO lucid and looked so good. She's 88! She told me she thought what caused Mom to lose her mind was the fact she never cared about anything except her family! HUMMM.........? Not sure where that leaves Tunica, quilting, hooking rug, women's groups at church, etc. I was surprised by how much she and Mom looked alike. I never really thought they looked much like each other, but there was a marked resemblence. Sad! Anyway, I thought it needed to be said and done. She asked if I'd keep in touch, and I told her I would. Jeanne and she seemed more like sisters than Mother/daughter! They were both really nice to me and asked about all of you. They said they'd keep Randall on their prayer list, too. Ok, Love you all, Jeanie

Friday, September 3, 2010

Ms M you are SOOOO high tech girl~ We might not be able to even communicate with you if you keep this up! lol Hope all have a great holiday weekend. For me--I'm staying home and helping Leisa when I can with whatever she needs. Life is good!lol She's doing great though and let's continue hoping we have NO set backs! Love to all, Judy

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Well, Happy Birthday to you with your trip to Canada! That sounds like so much fun. Rain forrest in Canada---isn't that impossible!?! That's nuts. Sounds like a lot of fun really! Hey, scream away and let it rip! LOL! I can't wait to see the pics. I'll also try to remember from time to time to let you talk to Dad. That is really easy when I'm visiting them. Ok, I'm in KY right now using the free WIFI---pretty cool! Love you all, Jeanie
Thanks for the birthday wishes!! My day was a typical birthday for me...I started my period, woke up late and had to RUSH to get to a meeting..which lasted like 3 hours..cut my leg shaving, had several zits, Jerry got called into work early (he's suppose to be on leave), I had to make a commissary run, do laundry and mail off a big bill where we had the suburban 6:45 when Jerry finally got home I told him I was not cooking and we headed out to eat!! Jerry did clean house for me all day on Tuesday and Jerome super cleaned his room which was an awesome birthday gift...I can't begin to tell you how nasty his room was!! As a belated gift, we're taking a four day trip to Canada over Labor that I know Obama and I share the same birthday, I may decide to live there until the Republicans rise again!!:) Anybody want anything from Canada? I'm looking for those little mitts they had during the Olympics!! We're going to the rain forest north of Vancouver...did you know Canada had a rainforest? Me either!! It's full of suspension bridges at the tree tops that you walk around on...isn't that cool? There's also a super long zip line that the boys and I will ride...Jerry's afraid it will hurt his back, so he'll just watch and laugh as I scream!! I'm excited..I loved Canada on the east side..I suspect I will love it on the west as well!! I'll post pics when I get back!! Jeanie, thanks again for letting me talk with Dad for my present ever. He sounded so good and we actually carried on a conversation! I was so happy!! Judy I'm glad to hear Leisa is doing so good...bless her heart, she's been through it...hopefully nothing but smooth sailing for here on out!! Okay I'm off to get some cash for the weekend and learn my new countries anthem..Oh Canada... Love you all, Jamie

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

I texted Jamie happy birthday and she was celebrating in a meeting!lol I told her that I think today is Obama's birthday too and she wanted to know if she could officially change hers if it was true!lol Leisa is much improved and hopefully home tomorrow or at least Friday. Yeaaaa! I'm glad Mom and Dad are doing okay even though I know it's sad at times when you really think about how things are but unfortunately they can't be changed. We can only love them and do the best with can by them and that's what we all do. Love to all, Judy
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JAMIE!!!!! I'm so sorry I didn't call you! I worked until 8:00 tonight and then Jerry & I went to Captain D's to eat (Senior citizens night!) and then to Lowe's and by the time I got home, I was too tired to even think. I hope you had a great day, you young little chick! Just think, compared to all the rest of us, you really are a baby!! Love you, pat
Ok, today is Jamie's birthday and I went to see Mom and Dad. The weather was nice, so we sat outside for nearly 2 hours. Dad especially loves it outside. All he wanted was a big chew of tobacco and to sit there. He always gets in the swing and just truly relaxes when he's out there. Mom was in her wheelchair and kept falling asleep. When I first got there Mom was just 'talking' like she does. All of a sudden she goes: I'm just so old! I'm like--WHERE does this come from! Isn't that bizarre!?! It never ceases to amaze me when she does that. Anyway, they were ok today. Dad said that Mom usually either was asleep or talking. He said one time that even though she did this he still loved her! How sweet is that. That's the kind of love we all need. It truly is the through good times and bad times love. I let Dad talk to Jamie for her birthday. He was just talking away and then handed the phone to Mom! I cracked up. Anyway, they were ok. Today was really emotional for me down there. There are times that it is just such sadness for me for them. I left and Dad's telling me to be careful. It was sweet. Anyway, for today they were ok. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JAMIE! I LOVE YOU AND DON'T THINK YOU'RE GETTING OLD!!!!!!!! lol! Ok, love you all, Jeanie